In the somber quietude of Park Am Nordbahnhof, Berlin, a silent dialogue unfolds between history and nature. The remnants of the Berlin Wall, marked by unassuming stone pavers, lie concealed beneath the autumnal debris, their significance fading into the landscape. Yet, amidst this quiet erasure, a revelation emerges.

A dense copse of white-barked birch trees stands sentinel beside the forgotten path. Justin Allen, in an initial act of artistic intervention, adorns each trunk with a band of crimson tape, a stark horizontal line searing through the arboreal canvas. This bold gesture, a collaboration with Adel Motamedi, evolves into a profound exploration of memory and reflection.

3M Konstellation, a luminous installation commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s fall, emerges from this dialogue. A horizontal plane of light, mirroring the Wall’s former height, radiates through the birch forest, a spectral presence illuminating the past. The trees, once silent witnesses, now become active participants in a narrative of remembrance, their pale trunks transformed into ethereal conduits of light, casting long shadows that dance upon the forest floor.

Artists: Justin Allen and Adel Motamedi

Installation: Justin Allen and Adel Motamedi

Photography: Justin Allen and Adel Motamedi

Thanks to the City of Berlin